Seed processing in Fernmount

A small block workshop Sawtell
From 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
Organiser: Nick Radford / or phone 6655 4069
It's plant fair preparation time again. Harvest your seeds and bring 'em in to our central processing facility - which this Spring will be a table on Luigi and Crystal's deck. If you don't have seeds, come anyway - we need your labour, and you might learn something, talk tomatoes, eat yummy food, and maybe even score excess seed. If you do have seed but can't come, contact Nick on 0474 114 773 or Jeff on 0438 655 728.
Bring a plate to share. If your christian name is H or later in the alphabet please bring something for lunch. A-J names please bring something sweet for morning tea. This division of labour is a guideline only and not strongly policed.
We'll also check out Luigi, Crystal and Angelo's garden. They've been on this block for a few years and the orchard is older than that. Luigi grew up in rural Italy, while Crystal grew up on farms in the gold coast hinterland. They both have food-growing genes, and are trying new stuff like syntropics.
This will be our last garden visit until late November! (Nick is going on holiday and there is no backup garden visit co-ordinator).
RSVP below, give the 'automated tool two minutes to respond and if you don't get the address, then email Nick at:
If you still haven't heard anything after a couple of weekdays then ring 0474 114 773. One way or another - we'll get you there!
Category: Open Gardens