Debbie’s Garden in Brierfield
Morning Tea at “Nemoral” Brierfield
The Wild Pollinator Count (WPC) is coming up next month (10-17 November) and is a citizen science project run out of the University of New England. The aims of the WPC are to collect information on which native insects are important pollinators in crops and gardens around the country. Everyone has seen the European Honey Bee in action, however many native insects also contribute to pollination services.
Research is lacking on the identification of native pollinators, their habits and how they are affected by human activities. The WPC provides an opportunity to contribute to the conservation of wild pollinating insects in Australia.
In order to encourage participation in the WPC by Bellingen Seed Saver (BSS) members we will be having a “dry run” on the identification and counting of native pollinators in our area. This will involve a visit to member (and entomologist) Debbie Kent’s property at Brierfield on the morning of Saturday 26th October. We will be hoping for a fine sunny morning to learn about the project by observation in Debbie’s native garden, vegetable and orchard areas.
Numbers will be limited and if demand is high a second course may be run on a following weekend before the official count starts.
Contingency plans will be in place if the weather is unfavourable on the day as wet cool conditions will limit insect activity.