Garden visit to the garden of Adrian and family in Fernmount


Garden visit to the garden of Adrian and family in Fernmount

From 10:00 am until 1:00 pm

Organiser: Leela O'Callaghan / or phone 0417 536 490

Leela's description of Adrian and his family's Fernmount home:
We have been invited to visit their new house and garden. I've only taken a flying squiz, but the house looks stylish, lots of bananas and other things are leaping out of the ground. I've met their friendly pup & hear there's chooks down the back. Looks like there's a lot underway. Yep, I'm intrigued and looking forward to our next gathering at their place. Hope see you there too.

If you RSVP for this event, an email (containing directions) will be sent to the email address you provide on the RSVP form. If you do not receive an email, please check your junk mail folder.


There are 3 places available.

Category:  Open Gardens