Garden Visit to David’s food forest in Gleniffer

David Pepper's garden visit
From 12:00:01 pm until 3:00:01 pm
Organiser: Leela O'Callaghan / or phone 0417 536 490
Previously, many of us have reveled at David Pepper's solstice gathings. To mix it up in this mixed-up year, we're having a spring equinox meet, to spark up a little joy in the warming of the season. Come along and enjoy David's unique humour and eccentric style in his Glennifer food-forest garden.
Numbers of course will have to be limited, so RSVP to grab a place, then details and directions will be given to successful respondents. Please keep in mind the concerns of current times for the good of all.
If you RSVP for this event, an email (containing directions) will be sent to the email address you provide on the RSVP form. If you do not receive an email, please check your junk mail folder.
There are 8 places available.
Category: Open Gardens