Intensive town block garden in Boambee East


Intensive town block garden, Boambee East

From 10:00 am until 1:00 pm

Organiser: Nick Radford / or phone 6655 4069

Jeff Holmes is a regular contributor to our veggie seed collection, our media darling (you may have heard him talk us up on local radio with Steve McGrane) and runs a busy front yard & less busy back yard.  He'll be our generous host on Sunday the 21st of April, 10am-1pm, but there's a catch - it's a small space with a limited group size of twenty. As usual, no pets please.

If you need help with the RSVP, contact Nick by phone 6655 4069 or 0474 114 773, or email 

 Bring a chair and plate to share for lunch. Carpooling is recommended – please advise if you need or can offer a lift.

Category:  Open Gardens