Wild forage mushroom workshop with Jsun Lau

Wild forage mushroom workshop with Jsun Lau
From 10:00 am until 4:00 pm
Organiser: Nick Radford / mail@bellingenpermaculture.com.au or phone 6655 4069
Bellingen Seedsavers will be pulling together groups of ten to learn about mushrooms, starting in late March and running for as long as there is interest. There's wild foraging - what you can eat, what you can't (an important difference) and where to find 'em. There's also home growing (shitake, oyster etc.) using log culture.
Our host will be Jsun Lau, a big name on the national fungiculture scene. Cost will be $40/ person for a day of wild foraging. The home growing workshops will be held Bowraville, a five hour session is $70/ person, including take-home culture material. More about that later.
For now, our first foray is on Sunday 24th March. We'll start in Bellingen town and should have time for a side trip out to Glennifer. Bring a plate to share for lunch.
RSVP and if you don't get an automated reply then email Nick: mail@bellingenpermaculture.com.au.
There are 0 places available. But you can register for the waiting list
Category: Open Gardens