Saturday soiree with John & Carol in leafy Fernmount


A social afternoon/evening of knowledge sharing and a banquet

From 5.30pm until 8pm

Leela O'Callaghan / or phone 0417 536 490

A meeting of the minds and exchange of ideas (& tastys). Those keen to see the abundance of the food forest should get there around 5.30 for a quick scoot round outside, before tucking in to a shared banquet around 6pm. To be followed at 7pm-ish with a presentation by John on edible perennials in the garden. Please bring your ideas & experiences for an interactive eve that will afford us a good conversation & indulgences.
See you there for a relaxed social evening.

Please bring a plate to contribute to our dinner banquet, something 'cheerful' to drink if you feel inclined, a mug & chair, and any seeds or plants you have to share.

There are 57 places available.

Category:  Open Gardens