Seed processing at Woopi Gardens

Seed processing at Woopi gardens
From 9:00 am until 12:00 pm
Organiser: Nick Radford / or phone 6655 4069
It's on again - seed cleaning and packing in preparation for the Bellingen Autumn plant fair.
This time somewhere different: Woolgoolga Regional Community Gardens. Here’s an opportunity to sharpen your seed-cleaning skills and tour the fabulous community garden and have some fun.
There will be good food, good cheer and let's kick off the new year of seed saving and sharing with refreshed vigour.
Please bring food to share for morning tea / lunch,
and spare dried seeds of known identity for cleaning and packing.
Let's keep the tried and true as well as the weird and wonderful, all flourishing in our gardens!
If you are coming down with something contagious, please do not attend this event.
Car-pooling will be arranged details in the RSVP.
Category: Open Gardens