Seed preparation for Autumn Plant Fair

Seed preparation for Autumn Plant Fair
From 10:30 am until 1:00 pm
Organiser: Nick Radford / or phone 6655 4069
We're gearing up already for the Autumn Plant Fair. Growers will congregate bringing little miracles - locally grown, organic vegetable seed. Maybe you've got something special - a bumper pumpkin, a bomb-proof tomato - share it with us.
We will process seed together, and if you don't know how to thresh, winnow, shuck or shell, come along anyway and by the end of the day you probably will.
Can't make it but have seed to donate? Label it with variety, characteristics, date of harvest, your locality, and where you sourced the seed from, and contact Nick (0474 114 773) or Jeff (0438 655 728) to arrange collection.
Category: Open Gardens