Seed packing day in Raleigh at Chris’s house

Seed packing day in Raleigh at Chris's house
From 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
Organiser: Leela O'Callaghan / or phone 0417 536 490
It's on again - seed packing day at Chris's in Raleigh for this year's Bellingen Autumn plant fair. If you have excess seeds saved with good genetic purity, please pass them on to us with your details for packing. Better yet, come along and enjoy our version of 'hard work' (not).
Chris and Merren (18 Hyde St. Fernmount) are happy to recieve donations of seed from those who can't make it to our seed cleaning day. We are keen for kale, all other brassicas, lettuce and spinach/chard seed. If anyone has surplus dried, please label with date saved, the growers and the plants name, and the collection locality. Seed can be left at their front door any time.
If you have potted plants, cuttings, tubers or other forms of non-seed plant material to donate for the plant fair, it is best if you can drop them off at our stall at the plant fair before 9 am. If you are not attending the plant fair or won't be arriving until late, Chris and Merren in Fernmount have kindly offered to collect non-seed plant material on the Thursday and Friday prior to the plant fair. Please leave the material out the front of 18 Hyde St in Fernmount.
Limited places available.
If you RSVP for this event, an email (containing directions) will be sent to the email address you provide on the RSVP form. If you do not receive an email, please check your junk mail folder.
There are 2 places available.
Category: Open Gardens