Winter Solstice in Gleniffer with Dr Pepper

David's food forest in Gleniffer
From 12:01 pm until 4:00 pm
Organiser: Leela O'Callaghan / or phone 0417 536 490
As the winter solstice approaches (Tuesday June 21st) we invite you to invoke the communal spirit of connection in the garden.
A meeting of like minds, to cast off the trials and tribulations of the last 2-3 years. Let's shrug off the shackles and salute the sun with lengthening and (hopefully) brighter days to come. We'll manifest some magic; the strength and support from our group is a nourishing warm energy. As is the cake!
So come on down to the Promised Land 😉
Please bring any seeds you have saved for sharing.
If you RSVP for this event, an email (containing directions) will be sent to the email address you provide on the RSVP form. If you do not receive an email, please check your junk mail folder.
There are 15 places available.
Category: Open Gardens